![]() The PERFECT Cloud-based Point of Sale Software for Retail BusinessUndoubtedly, all business trends show definitely one: switching from traditional sales management technology to cloud-based commercial software is one of the smartest things a small business can do. Whether this is an idea you have not thought of up to now, or what you have been thinking for months, choosing a cloud solution will bring you a number of benefits. Here are some of the reasons your competitors have chosen to go “in the cloud” … and why should you follow them … right now
Using a cloud based POS system gives you more mobility and flexibility. The whole system can be started in a few minutes by using a mobile device, laptop or desktop computer with no need of any installation. By using a web based system, you have the freedom to create and send documents to customers and suppliers directly on their mobile phone or email. You process orders from your contractors in seconds, which they bring directly into your system through their online account. Comfortable, right?! Mobility allows you to manage your business from anywhere with 24/7 access to all system reports.
When a traditional POS system is attacked by a virus, or if it collapses and breaks down, you may expect a work-out for some time until the IT Support of the POS system provider manages to fix the problem. Everything will need to be checked, and if the problem is more serious, the entire installation and all settings will have to be set again. This is expensive and time consuming. With a cloud-based retail system, maintenance takes seconds and happens online and periodic care is taken to ensure that all of the processes run remotely.
Being online is a major advantage of the cloud based systems. But with the really good platforms, you can work even while Internet access is limited. The offline mode allows you to continue performing all the operations as usual and synchronize your data when you go online.
Traditional POS systems are usually offered for purchase of hardware and software licenses, have different maintenance fees, subscriptions, and updates. Also, the training and setup of the software is paid separately. Cloud based solutions typically come as a complex service for which a monthly fee is paid. The system is automatically updated and you can opt out of use at any time.
As all of your data is stored in the cloud, you do not have to worry about running out of space for storage, theft, or accidents with hardware. All data is stored on multiple remote servers that have the most up-to-date protection of the information.
Поради това, че софтуерът е базиран в облака, можете да интегрирате безпроблемно към нея счетоводен софтуер, карти за подарък, програми за лоялност, допълнителни външни приложения, работа с всякакъв вид периферен хардуер. Нито една друга POS система не предлага толкова много възможности. Интеграцията никога не е била по-лесна.
Because the software is cloud based, you can seamlessly integrate accounting software, gift cards, loyalty programs, additional external applications and any peripheral hardware. No other POS system offers so many options. Integration has never been easier. What we are offering is a truly fast-paced platform that combines the features of good warehouse software with all the benefits listed above for cloud solutions. This is the online retail software mstPos.com. You get all the extras of the system for a profitable monthly fee and a 2 month free trial period. Besides the convenience of using Micro.bg from any device with an Internet connection, there is an additional Android application Axis Cloud that is fully optimized for touch screen operation.
This is how you get a front and back office of a complete cloud retail system! |
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